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White Structure

Teeth Whitening– Bellevue, Wa

Remove Stains and Brighten Your Smile

Teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dental procedures, and it’s not hard to see why. By simply changing the color of your teeth to a whiter shade, you can take years off your appearance, giving you more confidence to show your smile more often. Our team at Ideal Smiles Dental Care are proud to offer this service in a variety of ways to personalize treatment to your unique needs. Read on to learn more about teeth whitening, and then give us a call to schedule your appointment!

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Why Choose Ideal Smiles Dental Care for Teeth Whitening?

Trusted Opalescence Brand for Better Results

Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

In-Office or At-Home Whitening Available

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Yellow teeth can come from many possible causes, some of which are out of your control, including genetics, certain medications, and the natural course of time. However, sometimes teeth can become discolored from eating or drinking darkly pigmented substances like coffee, wine, soy sauce, spaghetti or pizza sauce, and more. Plus, yellow teeth are a common result from smoking and other bad oral habits. Fortunately, at Ideal Smiles Dental Care, we know exactly how to counteract discoloration and take years of stains off your teeth.


How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

No matter which type of treatment you choose, the process begins with a consultation, during which Dr. Du or Dr. Vach will evaluate your smile to make sure you’re in good oral health. Once we confirm that you’re a good candidate, we’ll determine which method best meets your needs and goals. For Opalescence GO and at-home personal whitening, we’ll collect impressions of your teeth to create your custom whitening trays. When the trays are prepared, we’ll send you home with a powerful whitening gel, which you will apply, and you’ll wear the trays according to our instructions. Over time, you’ll notice your teeth looking whiter, but continue to use the treatment as directed for the best results.

If you are whitening in our office with Opalescence BOOST, plan on being here for two hours for the full treatment. Although this appointment is longer, it gives you dramatic results more quickly than the at-home treatments.


How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?

Here in our Bellevue practice, we realize that you might want to know the pricing of treatment before you come in. This knowledge can help you plan ahead so that you’re not surprised later on. Here is our pricing guide for this popular service:

  • Opalescence GO – $75 for the disposable 10-tray pack and $35 for the disposable 4-tray pack.

  • Opalescence Personal Whitening (at home) – $300 for 2 personal whitening trays; included is a 2-syringe pack of whitening gel (refills are $25).

  • Opalescence BOOST (in office) – $600, which includes Personal Whitening trays and 90 min in-office session.

  • When you come in for your consultation, we can answer your questions in person and go through the cost of treatment in more detail.

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